IEA holds high-level workshop on hydrogen

Iea Holds High Level Workshop On Hydrogen

Workshop participants in Paris on 11 February 2019 (Photograph: IEA)

On 11 February, the IEA held a high-level workshop on hydrogen, bringing together 140 key experts and decision-makers from all parts of the hydrogen value chain. Participants included government representatives, potential hydrogen suppliers, equipment providers, transporters, users of hydrogen and its derivative products, financers and researchers.

The results of the workshop will inform a major new IEA study that will assess the state of play for hydrogen, its economics and future potential. The analysis will cover the entire technology chain for hydrogen from production, transport and storage to its various uses. It will also discuss near-term opportunities for hydrogen deployment as well as practical steps for implementation. The report will be a key input to the 2019 G20 Presidency of Japan.

“Hydrogen can address multiple energy policy goals at the same time: the transition to a cleaner energy system, diversifying the fuel mix and improving energy security,” said IEA Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol in his opening address. “We will bring the IEA’s ‘all-of-energy approach’ to situate hydrogen among the various options for meeting governments' policy objectives.”

At the workshop, Dr Birol also announced the creation of a High-level Advisory Panel for IEA’s work on hydrogen, consisting of the following officials and experts from around the world:

  • Mr Noe van Hulst (Chair) - Hydrogen Envoy, Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy, Netherlands; former Chair of the IEA Governing Board
  • The Honourable Elisabeth Köstinger - Minister of Sustainability and Tourism, Austria
  • Mr Ahmad O. Al-Khowaiter - Chief Technology Officer, Saudi Aramco
  • Dr Alan Finkel - Australia’s Chief Scientist, Office of the Chief Scientist
  • Mr Mikio Kizaki - Chief Professional Engineer, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
  • Dr Rebecca Maserumule - Chief Director of Hydrogen and Energy, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa
  • Dr Ajay Mathur - Director General, TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), India
  • Mr Dominique Ristori - Director General Energy, European Commission
  • Dr Sunita Satyapal - Director Fuel Cell Technologies Office, US Department of Energy, United States
  • Dr Adnan Shihab-Eldin - Director General of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences; former Secretary-General of OPEC, Kuwait

For more information on the workshop, including agenda and presentations, visit our workshop page. For all other relevant IEA analysis on hydrogen, please visit our hew hydrogen landing page at